Thursday, September 25, 2014


You will post here once a week during your internship.

WRITE TO US: Please share details of your experience abroad: work, everyday life, travels, and any interesting cultural observations that you make.  Please include pictures.  THERE WILL BE A PHOTO CONTEST. Feel free to videoblog if you wish and upload any videos you like.  Remember that your photos may be selected to be used in promotional materials or in the website next year!

Please read and comment on posts by your fellow students.  Share tips on living abroad, interesting places you have traveled to, and any recommendations: beaches, restaurants, sites to see etc.

PRIVACYPlease begin each post with your first name followed by the name of the city you are in.  For example: Rachael - Istanbul.  Do not use your full name-do not post phone numbers or addresses (use email to give/get this information).

For ideas on what to write and also lots of other very pertinent information, check out the blog from last year:

IMPORTANT: This is a open blog: the public can read, but not post unless invited by our department. Feel free to give the link to your parents and friends.

Please post asap to introduce yourself, sharing your hopes and expectations about the journey you are about to make.